Trash or Treasure

Presents "Scrambled Stories"
Loveable Winston (the stable one...only slightly cracked) and narrator and village crazy women Mad Maggie (totally cracked) act out stories with the help of children and adults of all ages. Winston tries his best to keep up with Maggies 'INTERPETATION' of the well known fairy tales like The Three Bears, Jack and the Bean Stalk, The Three Little Pigs, and many more.
When your reading from a book that has no words sometimes the stories get mixed up. . . well all the times. But, that makes for a fun time for everyone! Even Winston.
Scrambled Fairy tales designed for children of all ages, even the older ones.
Loveable Winston (the stable one...only slightly cracked) and narrator and village crazy women Mad Maggie (totally cracked) act out stories with the help of children and adults of all ages. Winston tries his best to keep up with Maggies 'INTERPETATION' of the well known fairy tales like The Three Bears, Jack and the Bean Stalk, The Three Little Pigs, and many more.
When your reading from a book that has no words sometimes the stories get mixed up. . . well all the times. But, that makes for a fun time for everyone! Even Winston.
Scrambled Fairy tales designed for children of all ages, even the older ones.

"Mad" Maggie and her "Dragon" Richard will delight patrons as she drags him in the lanes, plays the Ukelele, sings songs, and juggles. She is always looking for her love Barry.
Barry's horse kicked in her in the head three times, so every man is Barry to her.
Melinda Griffith has been performing at Renaissance Festival for the past 13 years such The Great Lakes Medieval Faire, The Virginia Renaissance Faire, The Glouster Medieval Faire, The Green Hill Medieval Faire, Fort Myers Medieval Faire, and The Hoggetown Medieval Faire.
She has a B.A. in theater and a Masters Degree in Education both from the University of Mary Washington.

Lovable Winston parades trough the streets telling anyone that will listen his stories of how he finds Trash that only he can Treasure.
Whenever any asks Winston where he got, well whatever that is he only has one answer: "Found It!"
Larry Rabin has been performing at Renasaince Faires since the age of 12. Thats over 20+ years experience.
In addition to being a performer He has been a Fight Choreographer, Entertainment Director, Jouster, and King.
His list of Faires include The Great Lakes Medieval Faire, The Florida Renaisance Festival, The Italian Renaisance Festival, The Bay Area Renaisance Faire, The Connecticut Renaisance Faire, The Florida Keys Medieval Faire, The Tennessee Renaisance Festival, and Camelot Days to name a few.
When not performing as Winston he also has a one man Stage show called Hopeless Romantics.
Faires we have performed at: The Lady of the Lakes Renaisance Faire November 5,6, & 7 2010 and The Fort Myers Medieval Faire January 15,16,22, & 23 2011 The Camelot Days Medieval Faire November 11,12,19 & 20 2011 The Florida Renissance Festival Miami March 31 April 1,7,8 2012
Please contact us at: Melinda- [email protected] 954-684-2280 or Larry- [email protected] 954-684-1608
Whenever any asks Winston where he got, well whatever that is he only has one answer: "Found It!"
Larry Rabin has been performing at Renasaince Faires since the age of 12. Thats over 20+ years experience.
In addition to being a performer He has been a Fight Choreographer, Entertainment Director, Jouster, and King.
His list of Faires include The Great Lakes Medieval Faire, The Florida Renaisance Festival, The Italian Renaisance Festival, The Bay Area Renaisance Faire, The Connecticut Renaisance Faire, The Florida Keys Medieval Faire, The Tennessee Renaisance Festival, and Camelot Days to name a few.
When not performing as Winston he also has a one man Stage show called Hopeless Romantics.
Faires we have performed at: The Lady of the Lakes Renaisance Faire November 5,6, & 7 2010 and The Fort Myers Medieval Faire January 15,16,22, & 23 2011 The Camelot Days Medieval Faire November 11,12,19 & 20 2011 The Florida Renissance Festival Miami March 31 April 1,7,8 2012
Please contact us at: Melinda- [email protected] 954-684-2280 or Larry- [email protected] 954-684-1608